Once I knew what happiness was
Holding her in my arms
Hearing her sweet voice
Making her smile when she was sad
Protecting her from all who dare harm her
Then it was stolen from me
By one I once called friend
I again found out what loneliness was
My heart consumed by darkness
Losing all hope and light
Waiting, wanting death to take my life
Then when deaths cold hand almost had me
Someone new
An angel from heaven found me
And once again warmed my heart with her light
She also knew pain and darkness
But together we could take flight
In each others arms
But then I started to fall
I knew it was it was too good
I again feel deaths cold hand reaching for me
As again one I called friend
Now holds her in his arms
I know hearts pain
I know the cold darkness
This is all I know
And all I forever will be
A man with a caring heart and soul
That is engulfed in darkness And happiness shall never know.