Poems by Ashley Smith
missing you
I miss you more than anything, you were the one who was there for me no matter what. we grew up... [read more]
Missing you sis
It's not fair you had to leave, I miss you so much. Why did you have to go so soon? You were always... [read more]
missing you
miss you so much, what did I do to deserve this? did I do something to make you leave? you were... [read more]
missing you
Sitting here missing you so, why did you have to go? its not fair that you had to leave. I love... [read more]
Missing you
I miss you everyday, why did you have to go? All the memories help but, but doesn't take away the... [read more]
my dad
its not fair you had to go, I don't understand why. maybe god needed you that's why he took you... [read more]
Latest Activity
Ashley Smith commented on a poem "I Will Love You Forever"
Ashley Smith commented on a poem "I Will Love You Forever"
Ashley Smith wrote a poem "missing you "
Ashley Smith wrote a poem "Missing you sis "
Ashley Smith wrote a poem "missing you "
Ashley Smith wrote a poem "missing you "
Ashley Smith wrote a poem "Missing you "
Ashley Smith commented on a poem "Rest in peace "
Ashley Smith wrote a poem "my dad"
Ashley Smith commented on a poem "Dad x "