Poems by Hina Saxena
My God on Earth: My Mother
A heart that cries more than me in my pain. Whose congenial and benign teachings make me sane.... [read more]
I am She
I am 'SHE'. The form of Goddess 'Durga' & 'Laxmi', I used to be. But where the hell I'm today?... [read more]
Save earth before Un-earth
Environment is natural beauty. Nature is body and environment is its soul. Hurting soul & expecting... [read more]
India: Unity In Diversity
India, a country with great diversity, But still progressing & marching ahead; is a great tribute... [read more]
What Is Love
'What is Love?' For someone,its an ocean to dive. For someone,its like honey from hive. For... [read more]
Soldier: An Emblem Of Sacrifice
We know only those faces, We have seen in history. Yet countless strange faces are there Who fought... [read more]
Soldier: An Emblem Of Sacrifice
We know only those faces, We have seen in history. Yet countless strange faces are there Who fought... [read more]
Latest Activity
Hina Saxena wrote a poem "My God on Earth: My Mother"
Hina Saxena wrote a poem "I am She"
Hina Saxena wrote a poem "Save earth before Un-earth"
Hina Saxena wrote a poem "India: Unity In Diversity"
Hina Saxena wrote a poem "What Is Love"
Hina Saxena liked a poem "Soldier: An Emblem Of Sacrifice"
Hina Saxena wrote a poem "Soldier: An Emblem Of Sacrifice"
Hina Saxena wrote a poem "Soldier: An Emblem Of Sacrifice"